Matcha, That Brilliant Green Powder

That vibrant green powder is popping up on many co-creator palates, from chefs to painters and designers. This herbal tea leaf has its roots in ancient history. Nearly 1000 years ago, with its origin in Japanese and Chinese teahouses. This tea powder is versatile and can be infused into hot or cold beverages, curries, nut butter, and desserts. Matcha is ground from tea leaves grown in the shade, from the second and third harvests. This practice increases their chlorophyll and L-theanine (an amino acid), giving them their bright green color and aromatic flavor. This green powder is an excellent…



Stephanie Larmour Sanders MSRD, CDE

Life Coach, Registered Dietitian, Functional Nutritionist, Researcher in Gastrointestinal Studies, Celiac and Auto-Immunity and Certified Diabetes Educator.